Angor Pop-Up Number 5: Wednesday 26th October Pontargothi Hall 2-4pm

Neuadd Pontargothi dydd Mercher 26 Hydref o 2.00 – 4.00pm.

Angor Sesiwn Galw Mewn Rhif 5 dydd Mercher 19 Hydref yn Neuadd Pontargothi rhwng 2.00 – 4.00pm. Mi nifer alw i ddatgan eu cefnogaeth. 

Mae cyfarfodydd hyn yn gymorth i Angor lunio cynllun yn ol angen cymunedau Sir Gar.

Mi fyddwn yn Neuadd Pontargothi eto dydd Mercher 26 Hydref o 2.00 – 4.00pm. Plis galwch heibio am sgwrs a phaned. Dros yw wythnosau nesaf byddwn yn Castell Newydd Emlyn manylion pellach ar ein tudalen Facebook a’n gwefan lle ceir manylion llawn. 


Angor Pop-Up Number 5: Wednesday 26th October Pontargothi Hall 2-4pm

On Wednesday 19th October, Angor held a pop-up in Pontargothi Hall. A number of people turned up to show their support. 

These meets are helping Angor to plan a tailored service that follows the needs of the communities in Carmarthenshire.

We are in Pontargothi this Wednesday 26th October 2-4pm in the Hall. Please come along for a chat and a cuppa. 
Next few weeks we are in Newcastle Emlyn – please check on Facebook or the website for updates and venues.

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