Angor Pop-Up 4

Croeso i chi alw heibio am sgwrs. Neuadd Pontargothi ar 19 Hydref 2022

2-4pm. Lleoliadau pellach i ddilyn.

Angor – Sesiwn Galw Mewn Rhif 4: Mercher 19 Hydref

Neuadd Pontargothi 2 – 4pm

Mae’r 3 sesiwn cyntaf yn Llanelli wedi bod yn llwyddiant. Rydym wedi cwrdd a phobl sydd wedi galw o bob cefndir. Mae nifer wedi cynnig eu gwasanaeth i wirfoddoli ac wedi ymateb i’r profiadau o’r gwasanaeth yn dilyn diagnosis o  afiechyd sy’n cyfyngu bywyd a cancr. Mae’r cyfarfod fel hyn yn helpu Angor i gynllunio’i gwasanaeth a’i deilwra er budd cymunedau Sir Gâr.

Dymunwn ddiolch i Kevin a tîm Lloyd & Gravell am ei caredigrwydd a’r defnydd o’i bocs ym Mharc y Scarlets ar gyfer y sesiynnau galw mewn. Yn ogystal hoffwn ddiolch i’r tîm yn Parc y Scarlets am groesawi Angor.

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i’ch croesawi i Neuadd Pontargothi.

Mae croeso i chi alw mewn am sgwrs. Byddwn yn Neuadd Pontargothi ddydd Mercher 19 Hydref 2 – 4pm. Lleoliadau a dyddiadau eraill i ddilyn.

Angor Pop-Up Number 4: Wednesday 19th October Pontargothi Hall 2-4pm

 The first 3 Pop-ups in Llanelli have been a success. We have met people calling in to see us from all walks of life. A number have offered their services with volunteering and have also provided feedback on their experience of services following a life-limiting diagnosis or cancer. These meets are helping Angor to plan a tailored service that follows the needs of the communities in Carmarthenshire.

We would like to thank Kevin and all the team at Lloyd and Gravell for their generosity and the use of their hospitality room in Parc Y Scarlets to host the Po-ups. Also, we would like to thank the team in Parc Y Scarlets for accommodating Angor.

We are looking forward to welcoming people to our pop-up in Pontargothi.

 Please feel free to pop-in for a chat. We are in Pontargothi Hall on Wednesday 19th October 2-4pm. Further venues and dates to follow.

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