First Angor Pop-Up!

Sesiwn galw mewn ANGOR 28/9/22

Braf oedd croesawu pobl i’n sesiwn cyntaf yn Parc y Scarlets. Roedd yr haul yn gwenu yn yr ystafell, ond roedd yn tywallt y glaw pan oeddwn yn gadael.

Wrth gyfarfod fel hyn mae’n galluogi Angor i adnabod anghenion ar draws Sir Gar. Byddwn yn cydweithio ac asiantaethau a braf oedd croesawu un o Grwpiau Cenedlaethol Cefnogi Cleifion a Cancr a wnaeth alw heibio i ddweud helo!

Croeso i chi alw heibio am sgwrs. Byddwn yn Parc y Scarlets ar 12 Hydref 2022 rhwng 2-4pm. Byddwn yna yn symud ymlaen i Neuadd Pontargothi ar 19 a 26 Hydref 2022. Lleoliadau pellach i ddilyn. 

Angor 1st Pop-up 28/10/2022

It was good to welcome people to our first pop-up in Parc Y Scarlets. The sun poured into the room, and then the rain poured down as we all left to leave!

These meets are helping Angor to plan a tailored service that follows the needs of the communities in Carmarthenshire. We will be working closely with other agencies, and it was great to have one of the National Cancer Support Groups come and say Hello!

Please feel free to pop-in for a chat. We are in Parc Y Scarlets 2-4pm until 12/10/2022. 19th and 26th October 2-4pm Pontargothi Hall. Further venues and dates to follow.

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