Christmas Concert fundraiser

On the 11th December 2022, Cor Glandulais Pontarddullais held a concert raising £1000-00 for Angor. A fantastic achievement.  The evening was a huge success. The entertainment was fabulous getting everyone in the mood for Christmas! Thanks to

Thanks to Pat and the organisers, and to:

  • The Pontarddulais Town Band
  • The Pontarddulais male Voice Choir
  • Cor Ysgol Gynradd Bryniago Pontarddulais
  • Pontarddulais CP School
  • Pontarddulais Comprehensive School Choir
  • Cor Lleisiau Lliw
  • Parti Merched Y Wawr
  • Cor Glandulais

Thank you to everyone that came and supported the event. Everyone at Angor is grateful for your show of support. Diolch

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